Sometimes We Just Need Reminding

It must be the new haircut, because I suddenly feel the urge to get out of the pandemic style rut that I’d allowed myself to fall into and step back up to the style plate!

For the past week I’ve been obsessively watching YouTube videos by the lovely and engaging French chic fashion stylist Marie-Anne Lecoeur. Her down to earth advice on maintaining a classic, timeless, versatile, and minimal wardrobe, ala Francaise, is both motivational and reassuring.

I’ve always leaned towards the classic style, admiring the effortless, unpretentious style of Jackie O, Audrey, and more recently the Duchess of Cambridge. Watching and listening to Marie-Anne made me realize how lazy, disorganized, and undisciplined I’ve become, taking the easy ‘fast fashion’ track rather than keeping to the style and quality standards that I instinctively know are the right ones for me.

I needed reminding of the high price we pay in self esteem, environmental damage, and financial waste when we allow ourselves to stray from those tried and true values of taking care of our appearance, selecting quality classics over quantity, and paying attention to the little voice in our head that says ‘this really isn’t what you’re looking for.’

For me, step #1 on the road to style recovery was a thorough closet purge. Hard work, and so worth it! I spent an entire day critically and ruthlessly culling my wardrobe. Every item had to pass 4 tests.

  1. Do I Love It
  2. Does it Fit
  3. Is it Comfortable
  4. Will I actually Wear It

The result? 3 large garbage bags of clothing were dropped off at the Salvation Army this morning😁

I won’t pretend that I was 100% faithful in following the rules. The summer wardrobe was easier to edit than the winter one as these uncertain times have me a little wary of deciding what my lifestyle will be 3 weeks from now, let alone 3 months. But taking that first step, reminding myself that I need to stay true to my style aesthetic, has already given me a better sense of purpose and boosted my confidence! And the closet purge has greatly simplified my life!

So tell me, have you fallen into a style rut? If so, what would you like to do about it, and who is your style inspiration? Do you have a favorite style blogger or YouTube stylist you’d like to share? I’d love to hear from you!

One comment

  1. Bonjour, Thank you so much for the mention and I am so glad you find my content both motivational and reassuring. You will be amazed how, by decluttering, your style elevates and you will find you can do so much more with less. Enjoy your Style Journey xx


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