Opinion: Donald Trump takes his war on Truth to new heights of insanity and grift.

It’s official. Donald Trump is launching a new propaganda platform, ironically named Truth. Initially only available to a select group of invited users. Most likely selected for either the size of their donations to the Trump pseodo campaign fund or the size of their social media following among the white supremacy movement.

Frankly I don’t think it will last long, as I believe users will be charged a fee to join, which obviously will go straight into Trump’s pocket, and like everything else he touches will be catastrophically mismanaged until finally going into bankruptcy, thereby screwing anyone stupid enough to invest time, money, or effort into another of his sketchy schemes.

Meanwhile, my sympathies to the poor FBI & other national security analysts who will be tasked with monitoring the insane volume of bizarre ravings, misinformation, propaganda, and sedition that will be prevalent on the platform.

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